"As I came to listal I fortunately already rated around 900-1000 movies at imdb, so I "only" had to manually re-enter the same ratings here. But the big problem is rating movies that I watched many yea"

"And what ladies rang your bell 1 year later? ;-) No Kessler Twins? :-O"

"Yes I've seen Sleepy Hollow many years ago and I can't remember if I liked it, so I didn't include it here. But I think it was not one of my highlights of 1999. The Blair Witch Project was a very spe"

"I'm happy you like it! :-) Yes, I was quite busy with these lists and the show goes on. The more I go back in time, the more difficult it is to fill the lists and to rate movies which I haven't rated"

"I never understood all the bad critiques about Pearl Harbor. Yes it's not 100% historically correct but I liked the cinematography, CGI-Effects and it was romantic ;-)"

"I was inspired by your list, so I remembered the movie "The Time Machine" and I liked it. :-) Catch Me If You Can is one of my all-time-favorites."

"This was a really good year with lots of quality movies."

"I watched the Extended Editions of Lord of the Rings last Christmas. You must take the time and let yourself drift into that world. Reading the books is not needed to like the movies, I didn't read th"

"I watched some more trailers of Hellboy 1 and 2 and to be honest I don't even know which of these parts I saw. It's better I don't rate the movie. The next list will come :-)"

"So you love Hellboy because of the romantic ending? :-) I saw Hellboy but soon forgot about it, so it must have been not so special for me, but it was not bad either, I would say a 7."

"I'm quite romantic for a man. I've already seen that you don't like Notebook that much. Shame on you! ;-) Hellboy is not my kind of movie :-P"

"Thanks to your list, I remember having seen Joyeux Noรซl and will add it to my 2005 list too. :-)"

"Be prepared it's hard to watch, especially for a woman!"

"Thank you for the tip concerning "Them", I haven't watched this movie yet, the trailer is promising. I've watched "The Illusionist" but haven't rated it yet. After watching the trailer again I decided"

"I'm normally not a big fan of animation movies, but this one was exceptionally great and moving."

"I've seen V for Vendetta (but haven't rated it). As far as I remember it was not really my taste. I would probably give it 6 or 7 points."

"All except Mary Tyler Moore are born in the 1940's or later and are too young for my list. In this list I will include only women born in the 1930's or earlier. Ann-Margret (born 1941) will be the on"

"I was a teenager at that time and I escpecially loved all kinds of techno. In your list I liked most Captain Jack, Spice Girls, Mr. President, Lou Bega and Scatman."

"Thank you. If you like RPG's you will love Skyrim :-)"

"You have a nice game collection too. I have Red Dead Redemption also in my collection, but I haven't started to play it yet. GTA V I will buy as well, but I wait for a PC release. If you like RPG's yo"

"I'm no fan of the two Hepburns and I don't find them especially attractive. But there are some nice pics of Audrey, so I include her at the very bottom of my list. :-)"

"At least 8 of these films are actually really good. Maybe you give them a try when there's nothing interesting on TV? :-)"

"Nice to see her again after a long time, I liked her in Pretender."

""Survivorman" sounds interesting and reminds me of "Alone In The Wild". If you can find a copy of it, you will like it :-) Now after some search I already found 3 episodes of "Survivorman" and will w"

"And the winner iiiis Judy Garland: 150 cm / 4'11. Yes, there are some surprising small girls. I was most surprised about Natalie Wood's 152 cm / 5'."

"I would like to participate in this game, but I don't have a movie that I especially liked. Maybe one of the Halloween movies like Halloween I, but I don't really remember it."